




打破传者与受众的边界,建立中国体彩网手机版:全球传播的统一战线,让尽可能多的利益相关者主动成为中国体彩网手机版:故事的讲述者,让讲述成为主动和习惯。中国体彩网手机版:的故事绝不仅仅应该由中国体彩网手机版:人来讲,来自全球的华人、来自全球的专家学者,甚至来自全球的青年人都应该而且完全能够成为这一讲述的主角。新时代的中国体彩网手机版:国际传播者应该有能力和魄力成为这一全球组织的议程设置者。让常态化传播和重大议程结合,将传统的大众传播扩大到自传播、组织传播和各类公共传播议程,比如在网络自媒体领域设立中国体彩网手机版:茶室(China Tea House)成为宾朋汇聚暖心交流的俱乐部,在大学和学者中设立China Fellowship,每月/每季度/每年有workshop,冬夏令营(融媒体主题调研创作),定期访谈,每年度有论坛和年度热点作品评析;设立乡村中国体彩网手机版:全球传播论坛,每年开辟中国体彩网手机版:与国际的10个乡村,变成有故事的旅行热点,设立互联网、音乐和艺术、文化影视、体育娱乐、生态环保、少数民族风情、佛教和伊斯兰教的讨论开设研学论坛。在海外华人中建立第二代和三代华人的研学学院; 在一带一路国家开辟丝路使者故事,以上内容由承办方设立专栏负责人,提供丰富媒介呈现,CGTN的责任是做好这一全球传播内容源的管理者和组织者,做好议程设置的主厨,端上大餐。当然每个主厨都有自己的特色和独门绝技,不能是大杂烩,CGTN在建立全球传播最广泛的统一战线内容源的基础上,可以重点打造国际政治、重点区域传播和某个特别领域的品牌内容产品(比如BBC会定期发布全球国家形象报告,CGTN是否可以率先建立一个一带一路国家沿线的品牌指数报告,与国际智谷共同建立具有公信力的智库分析)。

融媒时代的全球传播是传输技术突破的无届传播Beyong the boundry。




(*作者系中国体彩网手机版:传媒大学国际传播教授 博导)


Opinion: Great challenges and opportunities faced by CGTN in the age of media convergence

When we tell the world China's stories it is important to keep it in mind that global audiences should not only be the listeners, and that we need to better utilize the technology we have in this day and age and be more open and creative in how we tell those stories.

These are the three main issues we should be aware of when communicating with the world. They are the major challenges faced by CGTN but can also be opportunities.

A night view of the CCTV headquarters, March 24, 2018. /VCG Photo

Global communication in the age of media convergence happens across all media platforms and it blurs the boundary between the information senders and receivers. We need to break the boundaries between the senders and receivers and encourage as many stakeholders as possible to tell Chinese stories.

China's stories should not be disseminated and told only by Chinese citizens. Overseas Chinese, experts, scholars and young people from other parts of the world should also join the efforts and they are fully capable of doing so. People who participate in this process should have the ability and confidence to be agenda setters.

While individuals and various organizations should be encouraged to play a role in the communication between China and the world, CGTN's responsibility lies in being the "Main Chef" and guiding the creation of various content.

Furthermore, on the basis of a vast amount of content that CGTN is able to gather from various places, it should at the same time focus on certain specific areas such as international politics and some regions and build its own brands (for example, the BBC regularly publishes Global Poll, in a similar way, CGTN can also take the lead in establishing a signature index report about countries along the Belt and Road).

January 21, 2017: Hundreds of Chinese red lanterns in Chinatown ahead of Chinese Lunar New Year in Surakarta, Indonesia. /VCG Photo

Transmission technology has witnessed a major breakthrough in today's global communication landscape. From Internet 1.0 to mobile phone 2.0, to the smart media 3.0, today, the 5G era is approaching in which everything can be connected by the Internet.

In this context, with mobile phones, TVs and all kinds of media for various usages, CGTN should become the most professional provider of digital content for the world which reflects the wisdom from the East. It should think about how to direct the creation of content and how to most effectively use the created content across different media platforms through technology.

For example, through its TV sets, Amazon enables people to download and buy its online content, can we do something similar as Huawei and Xiaomi become increasingly popular in overseas markets?

Global communication in the age of media convergence requires us to diversify our content and its production mechanism. Diversified content is more likely to gain popularity. For a long time, the content we create for global audiences has been produced in a way that does not generate much interest.

Chinese dancers perform in Los Angeles, California, August 11, 2018. /VCG Photo

In the age of media convergence, we need to be more open, utilizing sources from various places and cooperating with other countries. We also need to incorporate virtual, interactive technology and AI with social media platforms.

Moreover, China's online literature and art have become one of the biggest successes in the area of international communication in the past 20 years and is seen as one of the four major cultural international communication phenomena which include Hollywood movies, Japanese animation, and Korean TV dramas.

Many websites such as Tencent's Yuewen group have taken the lead in establishing a starting point for the international network in the United States, and the influence it managed to achieve outside China cannot be overestimated. Only by being creative can we better communicate with the world.

